Send Flowers to Kuala Terengganu

7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

Buy flowers from our local store in Kuala Terengganu

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You may choose the nearest store to your delivery address:

Alor SetarBatu PahatIpohJohor BahruKlangKluangKota KinabaluKuala LumpurKuala TerengganuKuantanKuchingMiriSandakanSerembanSibuSungai PetaniTaipingTawau

Online florists in Kuala Terengganu

Our online florists in Kuala Terengganu offer you with unique designs of various types of flowers suitable for any occasions depending on colour, shape and texture. Our expert florists are always committed and passionate in considering the environment that the flowers will be in especially to the destination that it will be delivered. Our online portal allows you view our wide selection of flower arrangements decorated by innovative florists that are guarantees maximum satisfaction to customers whenever they purchase them.

Same day delivery to Kuala Terengganu

Same day delivery service is also available in Kuala Terengganu that enables you to deliver flowers on the same day right after submitting your order to us. However, the latest time for submission of same day delivery is before 12pm Malaysian time. Apart from delivering flowers to Kuala Terengganu, customers can submit order for delivery to major town and cities in Peninsular Malaysia as well as to islands like Langkawi and Tioman. We also entertained delivery requested from other country that wants to deliver flowers to Kuala Terengganu or vice versa.

Hand delivered flowers in Kuala Terengganu

Our local Kuala Terengganu florists always ensure that every flower is prepared in an appropriate manner according to our local custom and delivers them direct to your chosen recipient by hand so that it will arrive in good condition and maintain its freshness all the time. Purchase any of your favorite flowers ranging from design as simple as a dozen roses or even large flower arrangements suitable for weddings, anniversaries as well as funeral wreaths. Our services are available six days a week except on Sunday where most of our florists are closed.

Fresh flower arrangements

The florists that we employed at our flower shops in Kuala Terengganu are passionate when it comes to preparing freshly chosen flowers and never fails to give their full attention to detail to every requirement requested by the customers. Most of the florwers available from our large numbers of floral stocks include roses, daisies, orchids and tropical flowers, green and blooming plants, along with other assortment of beautiful flowers. Our national flower is the Hibiscus flower.

Flower delivery for holiday period

Make it a day to remember by requesting our flower delivery service to send beautiful flowers to your loved ones living in Kuala Terengganu. Our professional florists are capable of designing stunning flower arrangements that caters to all your needs even during holidays. Even if your order falls during any of Malaysia’s public holidays our florist will always entertain your request whenever you submit your order several days earlier before the holidays. Delivery request during New Year’s day should be submitted before 9am a day earlier, Chinese New Year (9am a week earlier), Prophet Muhammad birthday (12pm four days earlier), Hari Raya Puasa or Eid Mubarak (9am four days earlier), National & Malaysia Day (9am five days earlier), Deepavali (9am three days earlier) and Christmas Day (9am four days earlier).