7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

Baltimore Flower Delivery

You can always feel confident with the service provided by our professional florist who are highly skilled when it comes to preparing flower arrangements with high level of quality as well as fresh flowers. Our Baltimore flower delivery never fail to prepare freshly-picked flowers for every order that we received. We also cater for customize request on our flower arrangements according to your needs as well as budget range. Our flower arrangements are prepared to satisfy both the sender and recipients where you can purchase them during any special occasion or sending get-well wishes, congratulations or birthday greetings, weddings and other celebrations; sympathy flowers for funerals, memorials and remembrances; corporate special events and meetings; private parties, dinners and other special events like Mothers Day (celebrated on the second Sunday in May), Valentines Day or New Year’s Day. During special day like Valentines Day (every 14th February), every order must arrived at our office before 11th February at 12:00 PM US time.

Baltimore Flower Arrangements

You can also purchase fruit and gourmet gift delivery but every order must include a second choice of items as alternatives unless your order are sent by inquiry. The same guideline apply for delivery of gift baskets or any other gift besides flowers including liquor or wine. Baltimore flower arrangements and bouquets are normally prepared in containers while wrapped and tied flowers can also be purchased but you are required to specify in detail through your order form. Plain containers is also available but sometimes you need to add small amount of charges or maybe you might get them free of charge. When it comes to specific material of containers like ceramic or crystal in terms of size or colours will differ and not guarantee unless your submission are made in advance through pre-order inquiry.

Baltimore Flowers Same Day

Another delivery service that we have is Baltimore flowers same day delivery service that cater for delivery of floral gifts that can be done within the same day when you submit your order. Our online Baltimore flowers same day delivery service will be available once you manage to submit your order before 9:00 AM US time except on weekends or holidays. As for delivery that falls on Saturday, make sure that your order arrive the day before while Sunday delivery must be approved in advance and are not guaranteed.

Baltimore Florists

We employ Baltimore florists who are also well verse in the Spanish language to assist our Spanish speaking customers. Baltimore florists will not make any delivery to any cruise ships at US ports but entertains request for delivery to Alaska and Hawaii as long as your order is submitted early especially during any holiday period. We offer various kinds of colourful flowers which also include our American Beauty Red Rose flower (known as our national flower) that you can purchase from our local flower shops.