7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

Our local florists in Tuineje in the Canary Islands can deliver fresh flowers at affordable prices. From our site, one can find a big variety of flowers to choose from. One can place the order securely from home online 24/7. We encourage our clients to write the correct information when placing an order. Correct address, telephone number and postcode, if any, are necessary when placing an order; this is to prevent any complications with the order. So we suggest our clients to double check the details before sending the order. Our team of florists in Tuineje, in Canary Islands, can do flower delivery six days a week from Monday to Saturday, from early morning until late afternoon. The local flower shops in Tuineje open from Monday to Friday from 09:00 - 20:00, and on Saturdays from 10:00 - 13:30. If an order has to be delivered on the same day, we suggest that the order should be placed not later than 12pm from Monday to Fridays and not later than 11am on Saturdays. This is to guarantee your delivery on the same day, but next day delivery is guaranteed. Deliveries on Saturday afternoon and Sundays also cannot be guaranteed. Our florists suggest that on major holidays, orders should be made earlier, between two to three days. Funeral orders should also contain the name of the deceased with complete delivery address and a contact number due to the fact that in case of any difficulties we will contact you immediately. The last guarantee for orders in Valentine's day would be on 13th February at 12pm. Your delivery will be delivered by a trusted local florist in Tuineje in the Canary Islands, and we can guarantee that the delivery will be on time and with no mix ups.