7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

We offer wide network of flower shops along with international affiliates that can help you to deliver floral gifts to your loved one who lives in Kapellen or in other country worldwide. We are always closed on Mondays and please ensure to provide us with an alternative delivery date when you submit your order.

Kapellen flowers same day

We have another service that you can enjoy which is our Kapellen flowers same day delivery service. The service can assist you send urgent flower delivery on the same day within 24 hours. You will be entertained by our florist once you manage to submit your order before the latest time for same day delivery which is at 13.00pm local time from Monday to Friday. If your delivery order date falls on a Saturday the latest time for submission is before 12.00pm.

Kapellen florist flower arrangements

We provide you with wide selection of Kapellen florist flower arrangements where you can choose among your favourite decorations simply by browsing through our online portal. Our Kapellen florist flower arrangements are uniquely design by our highly talented florist and never fail to use various flower types like roses, tropical flowers, sunflowers, tulips as well as exotic flowers. It is not advisable for you to use carnations for your bouquet because in most areas in Belgium it is consider as bad luck bringers and not suitable to be used as floral gifts.

Kapellen florist delivery

We also celebrate special days in Kapellen and our florist will be closed during that period of time which is on the 1st January, 24th and 25th of April. However, if you still want to send flowers on the above mentioned dates, you can still do so. The last date and time for our Kapellen florist delivery to entertain your order for 1st of January is at 12:00pm on the 30th December while for order that falls on the 24th and 25th April, the last date and time of order has been set at 9:00am on 23rd April. Kindly be informed that our florist will not entertain delivery of balloons, soft toys, gourmet basket or fruit basket.

You can enjoy the service of highly trained florist at our flower shops in Kapellen. With their vast experience and expert in choosing quality and freshly-cut flowers, customers will always feel happy with the service that provide by our florist. Our flower shops in Kapellen promise that every customer will be receiving their utmost satisfaction whenever they buy our innovative flower arrangements, bouquets or gift baskets via our online portal which is also affordable.