Local Florists in Trento - Same Day Flower Delivery
Buy flowers from our local store in Trento
We also have local stores in other cities of Italy
You may choose the nearest store to your delivery address:
AbruzzoAlessandriaAnconaArezzoAvellinoBariBergamoBolognaBolzanoBresciaBrindisiCarpiCasertaCatanzaroCecinaCesenaComoCortonaCosenzaCremonaCuneoFlorenceFoggiaForli CesenaFrosinoneGenoaImolaLa SpeziaLazioLecceLiguriaLivornoLombardyLuccaMarcheMestreMilanModenaMonzaNaplesNovaraPadovaParmaPerugiaPesaroPescaraPiacenzaPiedmontPiombinoPisaPistoiaPordenonePotenzaPratoPugliaRavennaReggio CalabriaRiccioneRiminiRomeSalernoSavonaSpoletoTarantoTerniTrentoTrevisoTriesteTurinTuscanyUdineUmbriaVareseVenetoVeniceVeronaVicenza
Wide network of local and international affiliates
Put on a smile of a happy face of your families, friends or someone you love in Trento or in other parts of the world by sending flowers using our large network of florist or international affiliates available all around the world. Our professional and friendly florist in Trento will always prompt connection of your order to nearby florist whichever is close to your recipient’s address for fast delivery. In addition, we also cater for delivery of flowers to other cities in Italy like Sardinia, Sicily, Capri, Elba, San Marino as well as the Vatican City.
Trento same day or next day service
You can celebrate joyous occasions that you planned at a last minute time with the help of our Trento same day or next day service. You can request urgent delivery of red roses or any of your favourite flowers through our same day or next day delivery service within 24 hours from your order time. The service is also available for occasions such as weddings, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, New Year’s Day, anniversaries, Christmas or festive celebrations, birthdays, celebrating the arrival of newborn baby, condolences or funeral.
Unique designs of flower arrangements in Trento florist
We always prepare beautiful bouquets and unique flower arrangements. You can purchase your favourite flowers through our large selections of flowers in Trento. The design of our funeral wreaths is prepared with standard design of 60 to 100 cm in diameter. We also prepare large funeral wreaths upon request which can be designed up to 200 cm in height. It is common for you to find standard 6 or 12 Roses with variety of colours together with long stemmed ranging from 80 to 100 cm in length especially during Valentine’s Day. As for the price of 12 red Roses with long stemmed will be 150 hel which include its delivery fees and you need to pay 80 hel for 6 red Roses.
Trento’s Flower shops
Our Trento’s flower shops always employ talented florist in order to produce unique individual styles of flower arrangements for our customers to enjoy. Every order that we received in Trento will be personally hand delivered by our florist to your desired recipient. We make it a point to send them personally so that we could monitor its freshness and making sure its safe arrival to the hand of the recipient. It is also important for you to provide relevant information like the sender’s and recipient’s telephone number, recipient’s address, the delivery date, the available time for the delivery, plus also the flower types that you want to be delivered.
Trento flower delivery
Our Trento flower delivery is considered as a one stop online delivery centre which is available 24 hours a day throughout the year. Our online portal enables you to browse through our wide range of stunning floral arrangements only with a simple click of a button as long as you have internet connection. We promise to provide you with 100% satisfaction every time you use our Trento flower delivery.