Local Florists in Mellieha, Malta - Mellieha Flower Shop
Buy flowers from our local store in Mellieha
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AttardBalzanBidnijaBirguBirkirkaraBirzebbugaBormlaBugibbaBurmarradDingliFguraFlorianaGhaxaqGudjaGwardamangiaGziraHamrunKalkaraKirkopLijaLuqaManikataMarsaMarsascalaMarsaxlokkMdinaMelliehaMostaMqabbaMsidaMtarfaNaxxarPaolaPembrokePietaQawraQormiQrendiRabatSafiSan GwannSanta VeneraSengleaSiggiewiSliemaSt JuliansSt Pauls BaySta LuciaSwieqiTarxienVallettaVittoriosaXemxijaZabbarZebbugZejtunZurrieq
Send flowers to Mellieha from our new premises that is a bright and cheery shop. Our skilled florists provide modern floristry for any occasion with a friendly and professional service. We specialise in modern designs, unusual and exotic flowers, wedding work and funeral flowers and all the other occasions. We are open 6 days a week and deliver flowers during normal office hours. We also deliver flowers to nearby towns and cities.
Valentine's Day Flowers Mellieha
Send flowers to Mellieha and surroundings for Valentine Day to your loved one in Mellieha. Send a mixed flowers bouquet or a bouquet of red roses to the one that you love with our professional florists in Mellieha. The Mellieha florists deliver all Valentines Day orders as they start from from 8.00am till 8.00pm but they cannot guarantee any specified timings. Traditionally a bouquet of dozen Valentine red roses is considered to be ideal and most romantic Valentines Day gift. However, you may try and be a little more creative. A bouquet can be made to look charmingly different by adding balloons, candy or small stuffed animals to it. Besides ribbons, hearts, and toys can also be used to spice up the arrangement. With the help of the florists in Mellieha one can make a mixed flower bouquet by selecting flowers that convey the emotions of your heart. As Valentines Day comes at the end of the winter season one can find a large number of spring flowers in their full bloom.
Mother's Day Flowers Mellieha
Mothers Day Flowers Delivery to Mellieha advised that since flowers are easy to order and are fairly inexpensive, they make a great gift which you can send to your loved ones in Mellieha. And of course, send flowers for Mother's Day to Mellieha is timeless: it is never going to go out of style. The flower shops in Mellieha are open with extended hours during this week of Mothers Day, also full days on Saturday and half days on Sunday. The last guarantee date is 2 days before the holiday. A valid telephone number is considered an asset for all flower orders to Mellieha. Before completing your flower order form, please choose middle or higher prices from the website.
Christmas Flowers Mellieha
Christmas is the celebration of joy and sharing of that joy. There is no better way of doing so than Sending Christmas Flowers to Mellieha. Christmas is the most popular holiday for sending flowers. Shop and send Christmas flowers to Mellieha from our expansive selection of unique Christmas gifts for all your loved ones, like fresh Christmas flowers, poinsettias, Christmas wreaths, and Christmas Gift Baskets for this special occasion. Greeting our friends and family by sending them a Christmas Flowers, the best way of sharing the holiday joy on the eve of Christmas.
During peak times for Christmas, Valentines Day and Mothers Day, please make your flower order 2 days prior. The flowers may vary from the photos above because each country has a different style of floristry and stem so the shape and style may vary.