Temuco Flowers & Roses - Send Flowers to Temuco

7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

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Temuco is the capital of the Araucanía Region, Chile. The name comes from the Mapudungun language, meaning "temu water"; "temu" (Blepharocalyx cruckshankii) is a tree used by Mapuches for medicinal purposes. The city is located 670 km south of Santiago. Because it is near lake-based resort centers, it is considered a hub for tourist excursions. Chilean poetry has deep roots in Temuco. Nobel Poets Gabriela Mistral and Pablo Neruda both lived in Temuco. Mistral was the principal of an all-girls school where Pablo (Neftali Reyes) would visit her and show her his first verses when he was around 15 years old. Send Flowers to Temuco today! Temuco Flowers Send fresh flowers to Temuco including roses, tulips, lilies, daisies and other amazing floral bouquets. Use Overseas flower delivery as your local online Temuco florist and see why flowers fresh from the fields are better than local Temuco florists. International Flower Delivery in Temuco Temuco Flower Delivery We guarantee the freshness of our products because our flowers are shipped fresh from the grower's fields to your loved ones door in Temuco. When you choose Overseas flower delivery to send flowers to Temuco, or anywhere in Temuco, rest assured that you're using the industry's best floral service. For many years, Overseas Flowers has become one of the leading online flower network companies in Temuco and worldwide. Private customers with a single order for friends, residences and businesses, as well as the corporate customer who wishes to send frequent flower gifts, our customers all expect to receive friendly and efficient service. The continuous support and encouragement from our valued customers has helped us to establish and expand our flower business in Temuco all these years. We have grown from a very small flower shop to quite a sizeable florist network in Temuco, Chile and internationally. Despite our continuous growth in the Flower Business in Temuco, we have not lost our integrity and vision, and will continue to serve all our valued customers with the utmost care to their fullest satisfaction. Temuco flowers online is open from Monday to Saturday and we aim to deliver between 9am and 4pm. We are closed on Sundays and public holidays. If your flower order falls on one of these days we will make sure that your flowers are delivered either the day before or the next available date.