Order Flowers to Gembloux, Belgium - Send Flowers Online
Buy flowers from our local store in Gembloux
We also have local stores in other cities of Belgium
You may choose the nearest store to your delivery address:
AalstAarschotAndenneAntwerpArlonAsseAthBeerselBeringenBeverenBilzenBrasschaatBrugesBrusselsCharleroiChateletCourcellesDeinzeDendermondeDiestDilbeekDinantEdegemEvergemFleurusGeelGemblouxGenkGeraardsbergenGhentGrimbergenHammeHarelbekeHasseltHelchterenHerentalsIzegemKapellenKortrijkLa LouviereLanakenLeuvenLiegeLierLokerenLommelLouvain La NeuveMaaseikMaldegemMechelenMenenMonsMouscronNamurNivellesOstendRoeselareRonseSchotenSeraingSint TruidenSoigniesSt NiklaasTemseTienenTongerenTournaiTurnhoutVerviersWaregemWavreWesterloWetterenWevelgemZaventemZedelgemZemstZottegem
We also have large network of florist as well as international affiliates that provides you with efficient delivery service to Gembloux or to other country of your choice. You will find that most of our florists are closed on Mondays thus an alternative delivery date is required. Delivery of plants will not be accepted in hospital and make sure to include your recipient's MAIDEN NAME if you want to request deliveries of floral gifts to Belgium hospitals.
Gembloux flowers same day
Another service that we provide to you is our Gembloux flowers same day delivery. It enables you to send urgent flower delivery on the same day right on the same day of your order. We will entertain your request for same day delivery whenever we receive your order before the latest time which is at 13.00pm local time from Monday to Friday while on Saturday the latest time to receive your order is at 12.00pm. We have large selections of wonderful flower arrangements available at our Gembloux flowers same day delivery that you can choose for any occasions like anniversaries, birthdays, festive celebrations, weddings or even during funerals as well as during sad moments.
Send flowers to Gembloux
Our florists send flowers to Gembloux right to your recipient's front door step to ensure they arrived safely and in good condition. It is also important to include your telephone number, your recipient’s number, and a ZIP code for us not to encounter any problems during the delivery process. We also cater for the delivery of flowers to the European parliament and military bases but require a valid Belgium phone number. If you only use a foreign mobile telephone number, your delivery will only be delivered to the reception desk. Apart from that, do not be shocked to find that the price of roses and red flowers will be much more expensive, especially on Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and during the Christmas holidays.
Gembloux florist
Our Gembloux florist will not be operating as usual on the 1st of January and on the 24th and 25th of April. However, we entertain any request for delivery of floral gifts on these dates as long as you manage to submit your order before the last date and time of delivery. The last date and time for our Gembloux florist to entertain your order on the 1st of January are at 12:00 pm on the 30th December, while on the 24th and 25th of April, the last date and time of submission are on the 23rd April at 9:00 am.
Our online portal provides the convenience of using our user-friendly facilities whenever you feel like delivering floral gifts to your loved one. Apart from having 24 hours a day online services, you can also purchase several extraordinary design of flower arrangements that you can also customize according to your specific budget range.