Flower Delivery to Asse, Belgium - Order Flowers Online
Buy flowers from our local store in Asse
We also have local stores in other cities of Belgium
You may choose the nearest store to your delivery address:
AalstAarschotAndenneAntwerpArlonAsseAthBeerselBeringenBeverenBilzenBrasschaatBrugesBrusselsCharleroiChateletCourcellesDeinzeDendermondeDiestDilbeekDinantEdegemEvergemFleurusGeelGemblouxGenkGeraardsbergenGhentGrimbergenHammeHarelbekeHasseltHelchterenHerentalsIzegemKapellenKortrijkLa LouviereLanakenLeuvenLiegeLierLokerenLommelLouvain La NeuveMaaseikMaldegemMechelenMenenMonsMouscronNamurNivellesOstendRoeselareRonseSchotenSeraingSint TruidenSoigniesSt NiklaasTemseTienenTongerenTournaiTurnhoutVerviersWaregemWavreWesterloWetterenWevelgemZaventemZedelgemZemstZottegem
With the assistance of our vast network of flower shops and worldwide affiliates, our florist would be able to deliver floral gifts to any central town and city in Asse and other countries around the world. You will find most of our florists are closed on Mondays. Therefore, you must submit an alternative delivery date with your requested order.
Asse flowers same day
Another service we have is our Asse flowers same-day delivery service that enables you to send urgent flower delivery on the same day as your order. Our florist will entertain your request once you submit your order before the latest time for same-day delivery, which is at 1.00 pm local time from Monday to Friday. As for Saturday delivery, the latest time for submission is at noon local time.
Send flowers to Asse.
We always send flowers to Asse to your recipient by hand for the floral gifts to arrive in good condition and always maintain their fresh look. Whenever you submit your order, kindly include your telephone number and your recipient’s number, plus the ZIP code, so that it is easy for us to provide accurate delivery. If you wish to send flowers to the European parliament and military bases, you must provide us with a valid Belgium phone number. If you use a foreign mobile telephone number, we will only deliver them to the reception desk of the areas. Apart from delivery to Belgium cities, we can also make delivery to Asse.
Asse florists
You will notice that our Asse florists will be closed on certain special days like on 1st January and 24th and 25th of April. Even though we are closed, we can still deliver your floral gifts on these dates if you submit your order before the last date and time of delivery. The later date and time for our Asse florists to deliver to entertain your order on 1st January are on the 30th December at noon. As for the 24th and 25th of April, the last date and time of submission are on the 23rd of April at 9:00 am. We will not be able to entertain any delivery of balloons, soft toys, gourmet baskets or fruit baskets.
Customers can always rely on us to send flowers online in Asse without the need to leave the comfort of their house. With the convenience of our user-friendly online portal, it is easy for you to order and deliver your floral gifts to any destination. Our florist never fails to design extraordinary flower arrangements and can customise them to suit any occasions like anniversaries, birthdays, festive celebrations, weddings or even for expressing sympathy during funerals or sad moments.