Florist Choice

Send a surprise bouquet by giving an open price and the freedom of expression to our professional flower shop. Allow our local flower shop to arrange a special bouquet of seasonal cut flowers for you from their unique daily selection. The vase is not included but can be added separately.


Regular sized flowers

Small $104.5

Preferred sized flowers

Medium $115.5

Deluxe sized flowers

Large $126.5
+Service-fee: $22
Add-ons (Optional)
Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear
Birthday Balloon
Birthday Balloon
Baby Girl Balloon
Baby Girl Balloon
Baby Boy Balloon
Baby Boy Balloon
Ferrero Rocher
Ferrero Rocher
Florist Choice (Regular) $104.5
Service Fee $22
Total $126.5
7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand