7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand


Chengdu flower delivery service is a well reputed flower delivery service providing aromatic hand-selected flowers for each bouquet specifically. Dazzling florals will add meaning and significance to any occasion. There will be time where you want to warm your beloved one’s heart with stunning flowers. For special events such as birthday make it extra special by buying them flowers. It does not necessarily need to be too costly to bring a smile on your loved ones faces. We do offer a mixture of flowers which will certainly spoilt our customers for choices. Every sentiment can be expressed by our delicate flowers. We offer all range of flowers. Such as; tulip, roses, lilies, roses and many more.


You can now order flowers of your choice from Chengdu. We are dedicated to deliver flowers all over Chengdu nationwide and we can ensure the delivery will be exactly on time. As an introduction to our services, we are a local flower shop working hard to provide the best services bound by the most experienced and professional florist network in Chengdu and worldwide. We are happy to inform you that we deliver flowers for every all sorts of occasions and festivals nationwide, ranging from Mother’s Day to Valentine’s Day alongside the cultural occasions such as Pohela Boishak to Mother Language Day.


You can easily order Chengdui flowers from here onwards. We are an international organization delivering flowers, roses, bouquet of roses worldwide, and we are in Chengdu now. We cover almost all areas nationwide, and u can order Chengdui flowers online with the most trusted and experienced florists from our network. It is very much possible for us to send flowers to Chengdu really fast with our vast network of online and local florists in the country. While ordering the flowers via online, your order will be managed by one of our operators, and will be transported to you by a local florist nearby the recipient. To further clarify about our services, we do not have an ordinary flower shop where you can walk in a store and buy flowers. We only run an online florist shop allowing to buy flowers online and get delivery to Chengdu!


Chengdui florists will deliver you your ordered flowers on the same day and next day. Our florists will amaze you with our exceptional and uniquely created bouquet designs from the nearest flower shop in Chengdu. If a customer orders before 12pm, we will deliver flowers on the same day. We are also able to send flowers the next day or any other day you wish to receive. Our services are open from Mondays to Saturdays. Although we cannot confirm you about a specific delivery time but we can assure you that you will get your delivery during the business hours in Chengdu.


At Overseas Flowers, we promise to provide an affordable and reasonably priced flower bouquets with the highest standard of quality. Our bouquets will surely look gorgeous and make you love it. Henceforth, you are able to order fresh flowers in Chengdu via our online ordering process. Fresh flowers are an impeccable option if you are thinking of buying someone special some great flower bouquets for a special occasion. Our florists are lucky to be around your door and deliver flowers to your loved ones. It is privilege to brighten up your day with some bright flowers delivered to you at all ease. For payment, we accept all major credit cards on our website that ensures security to your online order. At Overseas Flowers, our mission is to provide complete satisfaction to our loved customers. Therefore, do not pause to order, and sit back to enjoy the fragrance of some beautiful bouquets of your favored flowers.