7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

Send Two dozen red roses bouquet and surprise your special someone with a lovely red roses bouquet. Absolutely stunning and romantic! Vase not included.

50 Red Roses. Vase is not included. Flower vase can be purchased separately.

This traditional funeral wreath is filled with a mixture of orange, white and green flowers.

Red roses and red spray roses bouquet. The vase is not included but can be ordered separately.

A luxury arrangement including roses, lilium casablanca, gerberas, alstromelias and other happy tones. The vase is not included.

Pink and white funeral spray with mixed flowers.

A funeral wreath with white lilies.

A white funeral wreath with peaceful white flowers.

A white funeral spray as a tribute to someone special.

Sympathy posy with white and yellow flowers for sympathy.

Funeral spray with mainly yellow flowers.

Send a bouquet of eighteen red roses to your loved ones, stunning and elegant for all romantic events.

An arrangement of white roses, as elegant as you can imagine, arranged with stunning foliage.

Celebrate the very heart of Christmas, and that is a heartwarming feeling that you get when sending flowers to someone special. Lovely bouquet for the holiday season with flowers and Christmas greens! The vase is not included.

La Seyne Sur Mer Florist Flower Arrangements

With the presence of our online flower shop, you can order using our online platform and send your bouquet of flowers straight to the receiver's home, hospital, office, or other specific venues. When it comes to our delivery service, distance doesn't matter because we've teamed up with major local florists who will provide the utmost care needed for your special gift. Each piece is handpicked and we ensure to work only with the freshest, most beautiful ones.

Bridge the Gap with Valentine’s Day Flowers

We can help you in bridging the gap of long distance relationships by delivering quality florals to your loved one living in La Seyne Sur Mer, France.

Artistic Flower Arrangements for Mother’s Day

When a guaranteed delivery of artistic designs and beautiful floral arrangements is made by hands of our local florists, it will surely make your Mother’s Day more special than ever before.

Flowers for Christmas Celebrations

With our online flower delivery service on Christmas Day, you can connect with your loved ones who live abroad. Wish them happiness with dazzling flower arrangements.

La Seyne Sur Mer Florists

Order flowers for weddings, birthdays, funerals, anniversaries, or any other occasion. Whatever the celebration is, our wide selection of flower collection is here to make it extra special. Valid recipient’s address and telephone are always required for on-time delivery of flowers.