7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

Send three red roses and teddy bear for Valentine`s Day. The teddy bear which is delivered by the florist may vary from the one shown in the photo, depending on availability. The vase is not included but can be ordered separately.

This 3 Red Roses Bouquet is the perfect way to make someone's day. The vase is not included.

Send this hand-tied bouquet of 6 mixed roses. The vase is not included.

Send 6 Red roses to your dearest loved one. What a beatiful floral gift to send to your loved ones anywhere in the world. Classic red roses are a delightful treat, and six red roses is just the right number of roses to melt your loved one's heart. The vase is not included.

7 Red Roses - one of our red roses bouquets. Vase not included.

A Valentine treat for a special someone. Send this lovely arrangement of 8 red roses. The vase is not included.

A delightful arrangement with assorted fruit in a basket.

White Phalaenopsis Plant. Pot may vary.

Nine gorgeous pink roses with greens and delicate accents are perfect for Valentines Day. Suitable also for a sweetheart, new baby girl, Mom, or anyone special. The vase is not included.

A simple but classy bouquet of six White Roses. Vase not included.

Red, white and pink roses accentuated with greenery and gypsophyllia. The vase is not included.

A pink rose bouquet, gorgeously arranged with fresh foliage. Order the vase separately.

With our international contacts, knowledge in worldwide flowers and vast experence in the flowers by wire industry, we are very proud to have found a network of florists in Macedonia some years ago. The Macedonia florists deliver all flower orders anywhere in Macedonia. Today there is a Macedonia National Head Office and with member florists who deliver flowers to any town, cities and even difficult remote areas in Macedonia. The florists in Macedonia look ahead for the future and expand their floral works.

Our Macedonia Head office is a fast growing flower network company who employ professional trained florists and have member florists everywhere in Macedonia. Today, these international Macedonia florists are trained designers and committed to craftsmanship, artistic flower designs and immaculate flowers. Whether you need flowers to be delivered in the north or south of Macedonia, the Macedonia florists guarantee immediate action and help you to get fresh flowers to the recipient.

Our flower shops in Macedonia offer a wide selection of flowers and roses for your order with flower delivery in Macedonia. You will surely find the right flowers every day or any other occasion or major holidays like Valentine's Day, Christmas, Mother's Day, birthday or any other special occasion.

Valentines Day Flower Delivery Macedonia

Valentines Day Florist Delivery - This Valentines spoil your loved one with a bouquet of red roses or romantic mixed flower bouquet that will be personally hand delivered by our professional Macedonia florist.

Christmas Flower Delivery in Macedonia 

Send flowers overseas this Christmas in Macedonia from our network of Macedonia florists. The Macedonia local florists will hand deliver your flowers for this festive season to any Macedonia address. Please make sure you order your flowers at least 3 days before this occasion, so that our florists in Macedonia will not encounter any problems with the flower delivery.

Mothers Day Flower Delivery Macedonia

Send flowers to your mother in Macedonia on her very own special day. Our Macedonia florists will hand deliver any design and any flowers you choose from our wide selection of bouquets and arrangements. Please ensure that you order your flowers at least 3 days before the Mothers Day, since our florists in Macedonia will be handling a lot of flower orders and will be very busy at that time.

Rose orders are recommended to be sent in odd numbers as even numbers are delivered for sympathy or funeral orders or considered as bad luck by locals. No single stem orders.

Please always advice recipients and mobile and phone number for all flower orders in Macedonia.

Last guarantee date for Christmas, Valentines Day, International Woman's Day (8th March) and Mothers Day is 3 days before.

Our representatives in Macedonia can deliver flowers to major cities such Bitola, Gevgelija, Gostivar, Kicevo, Kumanovo, Ohrid, Prile, Skopje, Strumica, Tetovo, Veles and Vinica.

We Deliver Fresh Flowers In Following Cities in Macedonia
