7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

Our skilled florists in Calvia, Balearic Islands are committed to their job and they can provide exceptional service that will Satisfy our customers. Flower deliveries are not guaranteed on Sundays and legal holidays. On Public Holidays such as Women’s Day we suggest that you send your order beforehand. This is required so the flowers will be delivered on time for the special occasion. Regarding the addresses our experienced florists encourages our clients to add a contact number. This is beneficial not only to our florists but also to the customers because in case of any dilemma our florists will contact you right away. Therefore your delivery will be on time. If the address and/or phone are incorrect or missing, no complaint for non-delivery or late delivery will be accepted therefore we encourage our client to double check the details before sending the order. Our local flower shops in Calvia, Balearic Islands open from Monday to Friday from 09:00 am until 08:00 pm. However on Saturday we open from 10:00 am until 1:30 pm For you to benefit from same day delivery, from Monday to Friday the order must come in not later than 17:00 while on Saturdays the order must be in not later than 11:00 am. If the order is delivered later than 12:00 or 11:00, your order will be shopped the next day. Funeral orders should clearly be noted as such and should always include name of deceased, a complete address and a contact number. We offer express delivery overseas. Our network offers fresh and colourful flowers for all types occasions. Our flowers are at a reasonable price and you can count on us to be punctual. Feedback is always respected